Monday, May 10, 2010

My Everyday Duffle Bag

“Look into a woman’s purse to get a glimpse of her life.” Profound, I know. Most girls my age have lip-gloss galore, a small mirror, make up, and maybe some homework tucked into some adorable, undoubtedly bright colored purse. But, nay not his girl. I don’t have a carpeted luggage bag filled with lamps or whatever else the original MMP had. But here’s what I did find when I cleaned out my purse tonight I found

• printed off coloring pages
• a googley eye, must have fallen off a craft
• a tide to go pen
• germ-x
• band aides

Seriously, a craft eye?! What’s in your bag?


  1. haha oh MMP! you are too funny! Until last week, I had a jar of peanut butter in my purse : ) Don't know why or for how long, but it was there!

  2. Hahahahahahaha!

    ...I thought everyone carried googley eyes? Isn't that a 20-something staple?
