Monday, May 10, 2010

My Everyday Duffle Bag

“Look into a woman’s purse to get a glimpse of her life.” Profound, I know. Most girls my age have lip-gloss galore, a small mirror, make up, and maybe some homework tucked into some adorable, undoubtedly bright colored purse. But, nay not his girl. I don’t have a carpeted luggage bag filled with lamps or whatever else the original MMP had. But here’s what I did find when I cleaned out my purse tonight I found

• printed off coloring pages
• a googley eye, must have fallen off a craft
• a tide to go pen
• germ-x
• band aides

Seriously, a craft eye?! What’s in your bag?


ME: Michael, what do you want for lunch?

MICHAEL: Ummm, maybe some noodles and cheese or peanut and jewwy sandwich. OH, and I want some woot beer.

ME: Uh, there’s no root beer in the house.

MICHEAL: Yeah! YEAH there is! Look.

Let me tell you, that wasn’t ROOT beer he wanted--just a normal 6 pack of beer.

ME: Noooooo, that’s not a kid drink. That’s just for grown ups. I think it’s your dad’s.

MICHEAL: Nuh-uh. Daddy let me have a sip because he thought I wouldn’t like it, but I do. I like it a lot so I can have one!

Great. Just great. Eventually he did settled for a tall cup of vitamin D milk. Thank goodness it was mostly painless.

Bottoms up!

Miss Mary Poppins

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today's post is not about the wee ones I spend each day with. It's about a different life consuming hobby: The Pioneer Woman's blog! If you don't know who she is, you're missing out! The woman is hilarious, a fabulous cook, and a great photographer. Plus she does give aways! Ye-ah! Today she was giving away a Kitchen Aide stand mixer and all your had to do was leave a comment answering this question:

"If you could snap your fingers right now and grant yourself one wish, what would it be?"

Without thinking I wrote that I would fast forward to August 7, 2010--my wedding day! So with my one sentence entry I'm just positive I'll win....I mean only 22,000 people left a comment. My odds are good, right? Ummm yeah...

I started to skim through comments 1 through 250 and found myself wanting to pray. I skipped a few pages and looked through many comments. It seemed like almost half the comments were people wishing they could pay off houses, students loans, or debt in general. People were wishing to not be having marital problems, their dear family's cancer would be healed, wishing they or family members could find jobs, and on and on. The most heart breaking one I saw repeatedly read "That I could have a baby". Man, people are battling so much more in life than I have to deal with right now. I pray against it, but there's nothing out there that says I couldn't someday be in each situation.

To me, this is just a reminder to pray for strangers, not be judgmental, and live life with opens arms. I used to say prayers for people driving past me or walking down isles in grocery stores. I mean, I don't know their story, but God does. His love for them is as unending as the ocean. On my fridge I taped a fortune cookie paper that says, "Be nice to everyone, for everyone is fighting their own battle." Don't judge the idiot who cut you off in traffic, don't give a glare to the extremely loud and irritating person at the movies. Just get over yourself. Who knows what their life is like? (Please, no accountability for the writer on this one. Not my strong suit :) Instead of being frustrated, send a smile, a nod, or note of encouragement if possible. A smile has turned my day around before, I think I'll do my best to pay it forward.

Love y'all! Stay strong!
Mary Poppins

Friday, April 9, 2010

No Sing! No Sing!

By far the most frustrating thing about blogging is that you readers are really missing out. You can’t hear exactly how the almost-two-year-old Jane says every single word. It. Is. A.dor.a.ble. Some of my favorites are how she says my name, cantaloupe, adios, please, milk, and love you. Have a mentioned it is beyond precious? However, this little angel is going through some pretty intense terrible twos. And in all honesty, most days drive me up a wall. We’re working on those nasty little tantrums, sharing, and hitting.

One thing she really likes to control is singing. Love ‘em, but these kids are odd. So, if I’m singing too loud or just if she wants to be singing she says, “No sing, Miss Poppins. No sing.” (you have to pretend you’re hearing it in the-world-is-coming-to-an-end-whiney voice) Her little eyebrows narrow together and she looks like she might just shrivel up and cry. But I, for one, think it’s hilarious. Ohhh pla-ease. I mean I might be tone deaf, but now I’ve got a 2 year old telling me to shut up!?!? No way. Today when Jane said, “No sing! No sing!” I asked her why. Do you know what this adorable-terrible-2-year-old told me?!?!?!...............................

“Because I said so”

Ohhh Emmm Geee! This cutie patootie put her hands on her hips and clearly stated what she’s heard time and time again. I’m taking this as my first warning. We’ve got a junior diva on our hands, Mr. and Mrs. Banks!

Happy Friday Friends!

Miss Diva Poppins

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I am back. I have no idea for how many posts. It might be this single one or maybe I’ll get on a roll and be back for the next month. It is hard to tell. Everyday is different. Some days I want to cry from frustration, other days I laugh until I do cry, and occasionally I am just plain furious. I do realize that I’m blowing my cover and now all my faithful readers know that I’m not practically perfect in everyway, but it’s just the truth.

Today was one of those moments where I was so thankful that I was the daycare provider and not the mama. There are so many situations that I can laugh about because they are not really my problem! Issues that truly fall only in the parenting category. Today’s issue: language. And this isn’t your typical four year old name calling. This didn’t involve the words butt, fart, or stupid. Ohhhh nooo, this surpassed my every expectation. Brace yourselves!

MMP: Hey Michael, why isn’t there a star on the calendar for yesterday? You were great for me. Did you have a rough night?

M: [nonchalantly]: Yeah, I was like f****** crying all night. So ya know, I mommy said no star.

MMP: [stuttering] Ummm, wha, what was wrong? Whaaat, did you just say?

M: Ya know, like I was sorta, kinda weally mad so I was f****** crying all night wong.

MMP: Oh yeah. Sorry you didn’t get that star, dude, but you can’t say that word. You can just say you cried a lot.

M: Ohhhh yeah! Mom told me that was a mean word. So should I just say I was totally dude cryin’ all night?

MMP: Uhhhh yeeah…that will work better.

What in the wooorld?! Now, no one hates that word more than I do. But you’ve got to let the edges of your lips curl just a bit. I mean seriously, the child can’t say my name, L’s, or his sister’s name, but the mother of all cuss words he can pronounce per-fect-ly. Classic.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Time Has Come to Say Good-Bye

Well friends, the time has come. The job will be coming to an end in May due to a city change for me. But the bad and the ugly at work are far outweighing the good. In reality this blog is just coming to an end a bit faster than expected, but that is okay. To all of my 4 faithful readers, thank you. I will still keep with blogland.

Love you all! Muah!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sneaky, Sneaky

Part of my “pay” is food. All regular meals and snacks that I would prepare for the kiddos I also prepare for myself. When I first started working they even asked if I had a favorite soda or certain snacks I would want for them to keep in the house. But it seems the generosity has faded. Today I asked Michael where the chips went and he told me that his mom had hid them because “she said you would eat all of them.”

Annoyed? Yes. Irritated? A little. Humorous? Very.

Listen here people, I do not eat that much. I’m not sure why I think it’s funny. Maybe just because Michael doesn’t understand that his parents would (or should be) very embarrassed if they knew he told me.

I did what any normal person craving salsa would do. I searched high and low for those chips. And apparently I am not suppose to have them. They are hidden somewhere outside the kitchen. Now that is someone who really doesn’t want me to have those chips. I thought about eating all the crackers, but I got full. (Just teasing, of course)

Oink, Oink!
Miss [bloated] Poppins