Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Needed a Plan and It Needed to be Good

It’s happen. Winter, that is. I didn’t have to work yesterday so I had no idea how much energy the kids might have built up after being stuck inside for a whole 4 days. I went in with a massive game plan:

1) Tackle them to get breakfast in their little bellies.
Now, I must tell you that breakfast is no simple chore in this house. Michael never seems hungry for breakfast and Jane would prefer not to be in her highchair first thing in the morning. But Mr. and Mrs. Banks and I all agree that breakfast is fuel. When you are that age you just don’t get a choice. But no, not today! I put breakfast on the table, turned around to fill some glasses with milk and by the time I served them cereal was gone! POOF! Just like that! I tell you, I witnessed a miracle in front of my own eyes!

2) Craft
This is not at all my forte but thanks for a great resource my mind has been cookin’ up many ideas! Today’s idea was to cut open an old cardboard box that used to hold diapers and draw a racetrack. Where the handles tucked in we drew “ramps” for the cars to jump. Our course was complete with hills and potholes too. They raced cars to their little heart’s content….er, uh until Michael ran over Jane’s hand. Still a success I say!

3) Lunch/Nap
We ate the lunch of champions and eventually everyone slept. Including me.

4) Activity
I must admit, at this point I’m feeling pretty strong. The day has been one of the best in quite some time. Anyway, they both woke up and we sang as many high-energy songs as I could think of: Hokey Pokey, Ring around the Rosie, etc.

Today I am so thankful for a much-needed break that I got yesterday. I know I can be better for the kids when I get some space. I also am just grateful that they were good listeners and obeyers today. Unfortunately that can be a rare thing, but days like today are motivating!

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