Friday, October 30, 2009
Hard Core
I was thankful it wasn't this song instead. I almost always have it stuck in my head. On some level I think I like it...but once it's in my head it's not cool!
Miss MP
I can now proudly say that:
• I can choose to be completely blind to chaos
• I have more of an imagination than I ever had growing up
• I could qualify for a professional story teller
• I have refined my cutting, gluing, & coloring skills
• I can incorporate letters or smiley faces into any meal
• I have eliminated words like darn, gosh, dumb, and stupid to be replaced with rats, sheesh, and silly.
What are the chances these new skills will help me find a career? Notta.
Wish me luck,
Miss Poppins
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Today it turned out dra-ma-tic! I asked him to pick up the living room while I was making lunch. He turned to face the living room and scanned it corner to corner. Michael spun back around to face me, let his head fall back so he was looking at the ceiling, and said, “Ohhh, I just give up.” My first thought was, “How can you give up on something you didn’t even start?!?!” But I kept it to myself. Eventually he starts picking up the blocks……one at a time……with a toy garden hoe.
These are the moments I start to twitch a little. Then I just want to call my parents and thank them for all their patience. I decided to keep making lunch without saying anything, this time. I put his lunch on his plate and remind him that it can wait, but it will be getting cold.
Amazing how fast those little hands can work when lunch is actually on the table.
You know what, I completely agree with him. There are just some things that nobody but a mom can fix and at the top of that list are bumps, scratches, scraps, and other terrible ouchies.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I'm sure the real Mary Poppins would correct little Michael with proper English. I'd rather not. Just too darn funny!
Peace, Sistas!
But, today we tried open gym. I heard about it recently and ran past Mr. and Mrs. Banks. They were on board! Michael was bouncing off the walls all morning. He was so excited to go to the “inside playground with cool kids”. He ran inside the main facility, couldn’t get his shoes off fast enough, and impatiently waited on me and Jane before we could finally cross through those magical double doors. Michael and Jane both spanned the large gym with all the equipment any child could ever want………..and both grabbed on to me for dear life. Michael started crying saying how much he missed his parents. Tears were free flowing. He wanted to go home.
What would Mrs. Banks do? Would she go home and try another week? A child should not be forced to play….right? Tears are still flowing. I keep saying, “let’s just try a few things. You wanted to come.” All to no avail. Finally I told Michael that Jane and I were going to try the foam pit. If he wanted to come and see he could follow us. Next thing you know, he’s crawling around, bouncing, giggling, and thinks he owns the whole place! I’m guessing they’ll know us by name before the end of winter.
Signing out from 17 Cherry Tree Lane,
Mary Poppins
Monday, October 26, 2009
Naptime Woes
5. "YOU DON'T READ MY BOOK THE WAY MOMMY DOES. OLIVIA'S VOICE SOUNDS LIKE THIS...." When I met Olivia she sounded more like a talking pig than a monster. Just my opinion.
4. "BUT I'M STILL HUNGRY!" Seriously!?!? Wasn't it about 15 minutes ago that I made you take 3 more bites of mac n cheese cause your belly was "oh so full"????
3. "ACTUALLY, I DON'T NEED TO NAP. I NEED TO RIDE MY BIKE." Is this a good time to teach the difference between a need and a want?
2. "BUT THE SUN IS STILL AWAKE." I love this one. He has a great point. But maybe it's because the sun is a grown up and doesn't need naps like cute kiddos.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Writing from 17 Cherry Tree Lane, London
I am a 23-year-old woman who makes her living by being a part time nanny. I do not have kids, but I can make a mean peanut butter and jelly and I do have “mom-dar” (you know, that sixth sense for potential danger). I’ve battled nap times, temper tantrums, and time-outs with the best of you. My days are filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. Every day is different and I think that is where I find my energy.
Allow me to introduce myself. You can call me Mary Poppins. I get to spend majority of my time with two kiddos, Michael & Jane Banks. Michael is four years old and Jane is almost two. They are growing and making new discoveries everyday…some good and some more difficult.
The stories to come are more for me than you. I hope to capture the fun moments that pass too quickly and learn from the moments I hope never happen again. But, if you do find yourself reading this blog, please comment and leave all the advice you have. If you don’t have any advice, just enjoy the stories and take humor in my day-to-day life! It beats an office..on most days.
Until next time,
Mary Poppins